
Review Policies:

My Preferences:

I love everything Romance related and I will read most genres. I am most interested in Contemporary, Thriller, and New Adult.
I am willing to review anything related to YA.
At the moment I am very interested in Dystopian, Contemporary, Science Fiction and Historical Fiction. But to be honest I will read pretty much anything related to YA.

I am always willing to accept ARCs of novels for review, I will also accept finished copies as well as PDF or Epub versions of the book.

When it comes to my reviews, I base them on personal preference and personal taste. I am always honest and will never negatively or positively review a book for publicity reasons.
My opinions are my own, and I welcome others' opinions on the books that I review, but I will not change my review based on others opinion of the book.

Thank you for reading my Review Policies!