Review: Yesterday

Monday, September 24, 2012

Title: Yesterday
Author: c.k kelly martin
Format: Hardcover, 368 pages
Genre: YA, Dystopian, Adventure, Mystery
Publication Date: September 25, 2012
Published by: Random House
Source: NetGalley ebook received from Publisher for honest review
Rating: 2/5

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THEN: The formation of the UNA, the high threat of eco-terrorism, the mammoth rates of unemployment and subsequent escape into a world of virtual reality are things any student can read about in their 21st century textbooks and part of the normal background noise to Freya Kallas's life. Until that world starts to crumble.

NOW: It's 1985. Freya Kallas has just moved across the world and into a new life. On the outside, she fits in at her new high school, but Freya feels nothing but removed. Her mother blames it on the grief over her father's death, but how does that explain the headaches and why do her memories feel so foggy? When Freya lays eyes on Garren Lowe, she can't get him out of her head. She's sure that she knows him, despite his insistence that they've never met. As Freya follows her instincts and pushes towards hidden truths, the two of them unveil a strange and dangerous world where their days may be numbered. Unsure who to trust, Freya and Garren go on the run from powerful forces determined to tear them apart and keep them from discovering the truth about their shared pasts (and futures), her visions, and the time and place they really came from.  

My Thoughts
I went into this book with high expectations, I had heard great things about it and the premise sounded extremely interesting. The book opens with a prologue that grabs you and once I read that part I thought this is going to be great! But unfortunately this novel fell flat for me.

For most of this book I felt lost and more than a little confused because the story jumped around more than I would have liked. At times I felt like there were three different stories going on at once. The prologue depicted a dystopian society that captured my imagination, the middle of the story depicted a contemporary setting that left me a little flat and then there was the fantastical and mysterious element at the end of the book. The end of the book also had a time travel element that came out of nowhere and made me feel like I missed something while I was reading.  I just felt confused as to the type of book I was reading, and the mixture of genres threw me off.

For most of the book I was waiting for more character development, I really liked that Freya created at the beginning of the book. But once a love interest was introduced, they all disappeared, and they were hardy mentioned throughout the rest of the book. I felt a little cheated when it came to certain relationships in the novel. I felt that they started very fast and yet I felt no personal connection between these characters. Yes they say they have feelings for each other, but I didn't feel it as a reader. I needed to be more convinced of their chemistry.

Overall I was disappointed in this novel. I think it had great potential to be a great dystopian YA novel, but the time travel element and the inclusion of contemporary YA was a little too many genres in one place for me.

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